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Monday, September 26, 2011

誰把心情寫的如此透徹? (copy)

i found this in a web,
very suit me..
just wanna share with you guys..
understand the word..
then you will understand my feelings..



3. 有時候,莫名的心情不好,不想和任何人說話,只想一個人靜靜的發呆。有時候,夜深人靜,突然覺得不是睡不著,而是固執地不想睡。有時候,聽到一首歌,就會突然想起一個人。有時候,別人突然對你說,我覺得你變了,然後自己開始百感交集。------ 丟了的自己,只能慢慢撿回來。

4. 沒有人有耐心聽你講完自己的故事,因為每個人都有自己的話要說;沒有人喜歡聽你抱怨生活,因為每個人都有自己的苦痛;世人多半寂寞,這世界願意傾聽,習慣沈默的人,難得幾個。------ 我再也不想對別人提起自己的過往,那些掙紮在夢魘中的寂寞,荒蕪,還是交給時間,慢慢淡漠。­


6. 有人告訴我,魚的記憶只有7秒,7秒之後它就不記得過去的事情,一切又都變成新的。所以,在那小小魚缸裏的魚兒,永遠不會感到無聊。我寧願是條魚,7秒一過就什麽都忘記,曾經遇到的人,曾經做過的事,都可以煙消雲散。可我不是魚,無法忘記我愛的人,無法忘記牽掛的苦,無法忘記相思的痛;無法忘記我的失敗、親人的誤解……

7 一個人總要走陌生的路,看陌生的風景,聽陌生的歌。最後你會發現,原本費盡心機想要忘記的事情真的很難忘記。­



10.你見,或者不見我,我就在那裏,不悲不喜;你念,或者不念我,情就在那裏,不來不去;你愛,或者不愛我,愛就在那裏,不增不減;你跟,或者不跟我,我的手就在你的手裏,不舍不棄。------ 來我的懷裏,或者讓我住進你的心裏,默然相愛,寂靜歡喜。

11.曾經在某一個瞬間,我們以為自己長大了,有一天,我們終於發現,長大的含義除了欲望還有勇氣和堅強,以及某種必須的犧牲。------ 在生活的面前我們還都是孩子,其實我們從未長大還不懂得愛和被愛。­因為愛過,所以慈悲;因為懂得,所以寬容。


13.有些傷口,時間久了就會慢慢長好;有些委屈,受過了想通了也就釋然了;有些傷痛,忍過了疼久了也成習慣了……然而卻在很多孤獨的瞬間,又重新湧上心頭。------ 其實,有些藏在心底的話 ,並不是故意要去隱瞞,只是,並不是所有的疼痛,都可以吶喊。

14. 面對讓自己失敗的人,最佳的報復不是仇恨,而是打心底發出的冷淡和不屑,也應該感激他們,感激他們給我的人生上了一課,只是學費高了些,幹嘛花力氣去恨一些對自己未來的人生從此不再相幹的人,恨,只能恨自己,恨自己的孤傲、自閉,一時沖動是你失敗的根源,知道路線錯了,停止就是前進,冷靜;思考;檢討自己……然後,從頭再來!

15.遇到一件事,如果你 ------ 喜歡它,那麽享受它;不喜歡,那麽避開它;避不開,那麽改變它;改不了,那麽接受它;接受不下,那麽處理它;難以處理,那麽就放下它。------ 其實,人最難的是“放下”。放下了,就釋然了。­

16.可以一個人唱歌,一個人喝咖啡,一個人塗鴉,一個人旅行,一個人逛大街,一個人在雨中漫步,一個人聽音樂,一個人自言自語,一個人發呆,一個人寂寞,一個人看電視,一個人翻雜誌...... 只有愛,是自己一個人做不到的。­


18.感情再深,恩義再濃的朋友,天涯遠隔,情義,終也慢慢疏淡。------ 不是說彼此的心變了,也不是說不再當對方是朋友,只是,遠在天涯,喜怒哀樂不能共享。------ 原來,我們已是遙遠得只剩下問候,問候還是好的,至少我們不曾把彼此忘記。



not bad right?
i love this of all


14. 面對讓自己失敗的人,最佳的報復不是仇恨,而是打心底發出的冷淡和不屑,也應該感激他們,感激他們給我的人生上了一課,只是學費高了些,幹嘛花力氣去恨一些對自己未來的人生從此不再相幹的人,恨,只能恨自己,恨自己的孤傲、自閉,一時沖動是你失敗的根源,知道路線錯了,停止就是前進,冷靜;思考;檢討自己……然後,從頭再來!

15.遇到一件事,如果你 ------ 喜歡它,那麽享受它;不喜歡,那麽避開它;避不開,那麽改變它;改不了,那麽接受它;接受不下,那麽處理它;難以處理,那麽就放下它。------ 其實,人最難的是“放下”。放下了,就釋然了。­

hope you like it too..


Saturday, September 24, 2011

burn up everything and start a new life..

if can,
i really wanna still dreaming..
it since very long i had sleep more than 8 hours..
but yesterday i slept more than 12hours..
because i dream about you..
i don want to wake up,
i don want to face this world without you..
all has happen..
no matter i how i don want it to happen it's already it..
the sun will still rise..

i'm going to burn and throw everything about you..
everything that remind me of you..
especially the pictures..
where we once smile so happy..
all gone now,
what's the use of it?
i hear you been close with a girl..
i saw her facebook..
she seems sweet and nice..
hope you can with her,
at least you are happy and forget about me,
your heart  wont feel pain and suffering anymore..
and i can let go of you..

i can start a new life right?
no more crying,
no more missing,
no more everything about you..
can i?
maybe not in a short time,
but slowly i will..
but allow me to sometimes dream about you,
just a dream..
where i still can have a little bit hope..
that's all i asked..
for the last time,
i wanna tell you this..
[ I Love YOU, bii ]
you were the best this never happen to me,
even it had end..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

everything is a past..and i will learn to accept it, although is painful..

everything is a past le,
people keep told me about it..
is just too fast..
not you guys think it that way?
every night i was thinking..
what's the real problem between us..
no trust?
or betray?
i really cant find out the answer..

nevermind le,
i keep re-read his message every time i'm free..
i try to feel the pain..
i want the pain,
so that i wont touch love again..
NEVER again..
if a guy loves you,
he cant bear not seeing you or contact you for 2 days..
he did it..
why don't i?
all i had to do whenever i feel missing him or wanna contact him,
i read back the message..
tears may came out,
but i know to control le..
i'm getting strong everyday..
because i'm still me..

to tell the truth,
i still loves him..
although hate him,
in my heart i just don wan to let go..
because is painful!!
i loves him,
very very much..
what's the use?
he doesn't understand,
he doesn't want me le..
all is meaningless le..

i still will cry at night,
but i will learn to be strong..
i'll smile to all my friends and people who cares about me..
thank you to YOU,
i learn to accept that loves is nothing..
i learn to be strong..
i learn a lot from YOU!!
thank you!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

he says it's over le..

he says everything our us is over le..
he says is better we can have a better life without each other..
he says i hurt him deeply until his heart no more le..
he says there is no more other chance le..
he says i'm wanna change is too late le..

i wanna says if there is love then nothing is impossible..
i wanna says please don't include me, because i won't be better..
i wanna says if so easily no more le, have he ever loves me?
i wanna says that if before i didn't give you the chance how do you feel?
i wanna says nothing is too late if you really love that person..

can you keep begging a guy when you make a mistake and the guy keep ignore you or he will replies say you talk nonsense and meanless word..
or even scold you?
can you keep crying and asking for forgiveness if the guy keep saying that there is no love and keeping telling you that is impossible to be back together..?
i can do it,
but everything have a limit..
i have nothing to lose even i'm not with you..
i live before even without you..
but i choose to keep putting my honor down and beg you..
for what?
because i love you!

i make you so hurt and so sad..
i know..
i really know it..
i cause it,
is my mistake..
everything started with me,
i shouldn't  message with my x's..
i shouldn't lie that i didn't message with him..
is my mistake..
maybe leaving me is the best choice..
or we shouldn't even started date each other..
or even better that we didn't meet each other on the first place..
i really hope we didn't meet!!
so that we won't be so suffering now..
for everything..

my life is nothing but pain and regret

Monday, September 19, 2011

me on today, still miss him :'(

today first day of posting..
5 15am wake le,
early dao~~
6am sit bus to Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur..
too many people!!
i have to stand for 30min until i arrive at PHKL..
my nursing watch last min die,
so scare..
but lucky i was at ward D4,
with our lovely Miss Rosliwati..

have a simple briefing at the procedure room..
then she bring us down to the spooky BASEMENT!!!
bilik mayat!!
we still cant go in yet,
cause Miss says we are not prepare yet..
we maybe can see pieces of body parts,
or more ugly stuff..
we also have to help the death person to bath..
i'm a scary cat..
if you were here bii..
i think i wont be scare le..
but u aren't..

PHKL was a cool place,
it has starbucks..
baskin robbins..
and the VVIP rooms are like 5 star hotel suite..
totally shocking..

the whole day Miss R bring us around to the hospital,
i found out is not easy to be nurses..
they have to face the patients,
patients relative,
clinical officer,
doctors too..
most of them will only blame the nurses for not doing their job,
but they forgot actually nurses done mostly of the work..
lucky i'm not sponsor by PHKL..
there is freaking busy..

sit the 1st bus back to college..
i just notice is was the road i usually take to your house..
it was bitter..
i still remember the first time i took the bus from Summit to KL sentral..
i was so scare i get lost..
all was unfamiliar to me,
i haven't travel alone with bus to a place so far away..
it was like 1 and half hour to reach your place..
is very tired and scary,
but to me,
can see you is worth it..
i don have the chance le bah..

back at college,
my headache started badly!!
keep feeling dizzy and wanna vomit..
by the time i reach my hostel,
i already feel like wanna faint..
but i still have to do my assignment,
wash my uniform..etc

now is the time for me to rest and sleep le,
i so hope you can reply my messages..
you still cant forgive me?
or you just already hate me?
i hope you wont hate me,
a person told me you are sad..
i'm too..
can we be happy?
izit really that without me your life is better..
if it is true,
then tell me bah..
if i still can call you that..
i just wanna say i love you more that anyone in this world..
please don leave me..

goodnite bii,
hoping can get your replies..

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